Inviting you to connect with Jesus, His church, and our community.
We believe our kids are not just the next generation but the generation of today. How then will we equip them in the gospel and empower parents in the home in the present? Click this image to see the different environments below for how we seek to invite our kids to treasure Jesus and His Word.
We know that God is in the business of transforming students’ lives and we want to join Him as He does so. We aim to invite our teenagers to treasure Jesus, His Word, and His mission for His glory and our good. Click this image to see what our teenagers are up to.
Adult Sunday School
Sunday School exists for the gospel to sharpen our minds and stir our hearts for Jesus through the instruction of His Word and the investment in one another. Here we allow the Bible to guide the conversation and seek to apply what we learn from each another in the everyday stuff of life. Click this image to see what classes we are offering.
Community Groups
We gather for our Sunday morning service and then we scatter throughout the week in our community groups with the gospel in hand. Here we care for one another and seek ways to care for our community. For more on community groups and locations, click this image.
Family Discipleship
What do you dream about when you think a leaving a spiritual legacy for the coming generations? Click this image to see how we plan to equip, encourage, and empower parents in the home.

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