What to Expect On Sundays

About Our Service
We currently have one worship service at 10AM and Sunday School for all ages at 9AM. There will be greeters outside that would love to welcome you, feel free to grab a coffee and donut. Any and all kids are welcome to join us for the entire service. They are a welcome blessing, not a distraction. Coloring sheets and Sermon guides are available for kids on the resource table.

Children's Ministry
We love kids! We provide childcare and activities for children age birth through Kindergarten during the service. Each member of our Children’s Ministry Team receives a thorough background check and is carefully screened and trained to lovingly care for your children. Sign-In is available in the Children’s Building (room 1002) before the service and at each classroom once the service begins.

Sunday School
We offer Sunday school for all ages every Sunday from 9:00AM to 9:45AM. All of our children (birth-6th grade) use the Gospel Project curriculum. “The Gospel Project for Kids immerses kids and preschoolers in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Ultimately, the gospel message changes everything; heart transformation can only take place when a child experiences the gospel. Through The Gospel Project® for Kids, kids and preschoolers will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption.” Our junior-high and high school students and adults use various video-based curriculum specific to their age, stage of life, and interests. Please click here to get more information on Sunday school.

Some of you know this as the Lord’s Supper. We celebrate Communion each week near the end of our service. Any baptized follower of Christ is welcome to participate. We invite you to come to the front during this time to pick up a piece of bread and an individual cup of wine on the left, or cup of juice on the right and take it back to your seat where we will partake of the Communion elements together. The bread represents Christ’s body broken for our salvation. The wine or juice represents Christ’s bloodshed to give us life.

Digital Newsletter
If you’d like to be included in our weekly email newsletter, click HERE and fill out the short form!

During the service, we pass baskets to accept tithes and offerings. Our guests are under no obligation to give. Instead we invite guests to fill out a Communication Card and put it in the offering basket so that we can keep in touch. An offering box is also available near the door to accept offerings and Communication Cards. If you choose to give, checks can be made payable to Redeemer Church. Online giving is also available here.